måndag 11 februari 2008

I've got my eye on you

Today started like most mondays do; I get up to late, run around the house like a mad woman and miraculously manage to catch my bus to school. Some days are not quite like all others...surprises have a tendency to appear every now and then. This was one of these days.
I'm sittig on a lecture in structural mechanics when I drop my pencil on the floor. Crap! As I'm reaching for it I somehow manage to dislocate my right knee. PAIN. After a couple of very painful seconds I manage to get it back into its socket. It's a really good thing not to be a person who screams when it hurts a little...would have been a bit embarrasing...but also fun to watch all (about a hundred of them) comfusing faces as I'm screaming at the top of my lungs in the middle of a lecture. Shit happens :P

1 kommentar:

the colour of insanity sa...

shit really DO happen :P I've tried it hundreds of times, screaming in a large crowd. normally what happens is that ppl tend to duck and take cover, it's quite amusing too.. ;)
I'm heading for a test day at my (hopefully) new job tomorrow. I was at aniterview where I wasn't even supposed to be since I was considered too young. though I convinced Gunnar that I was mature enough. he bought it!!
now gotta go, but I've gotta say I a.d.o.r.e your eye-pic. I'm taking the hell lot of pics, but can't post'em on this computer. I'll update soon. be good stay good :)