lördag 9 februari 2008

here I am signed, cealed delivered I'm yours

My firt blog ever! Yay!
Oh my God I'm such a nerd :P But what's wrong about that?
I promise that I'll try to write as often as possibe even though my computer is broken...I'll get the damn thing back in about two weeks.
Good bye my friend, I'll see you in a couple of months. Have fun and don't break until you've got you insurance fixed ok :) Hopefully I'll master the techniqe of "making the pictures from the camera magically appear on my blog" ...not sure I want them to though, I know you'll laugh, but...never mind I love looking stupid anyways :P can't help it, can I ;P.

And for the love of God, don't make your bag explode on the airport!

1 kommentar:

the colour of insanity sa...

yeah, well tell me about it.. don't we all love looking stupid and all crazy-eyed on pics? can't tell you anytime (except when I tried to get a normal photo for my passport) that I wanted to look serious and "normal". I won't ever, we all know that.
aaaaanyways, I'll be back before you know it, I'm just gonna take a turn over to austria and fail getting myself a proper job ;)
oh, and one more thing.. I won't hurt myself even when I have my insurance card. I _hate_ hospitals. damnd foreigners...
catch you later aligator