fredag 22 februari 2008

Not enough time

Busy, busy, busy...So much to do and so little time.
How did this happen?
School work - it's the first thing I think of when I wake up in the morning and the last thing before I fall asleep. And when I'm asleep I'm dreaming of candy for some reason :S

I'm in love - with marabou dark chocolate tasty!

torsdag 14 februari 2008

So, I'm sitting in school right now waiting for the others to finish their lesson which I ,by the way, also was supposed to attend. She is skipping school! Oh no! Actually I'm not...not that lesson anyways :P. I went on the same class earlier today so that I could go and get a haircut. I admit that I was supposed to go to a maths lesson that I did't ....but you've got to prioritize, right?:P

I will post a picture of the new mess on my head as soon as I can so don't worry E, you won't miss it.

I am totally amazed, today my teacher in structural mechanics told me that I was among the best in the class. Didn't see that one coming. I rock! I guess I have to start to ,study now if I wanna keep it up.

Yesterday was a fun and interesting day; career day. A lot of people everywhere, free candy, free pens and a lot of people in suits trying to make us all wann work for them.
One guy actually introduced himself by claiming that he worked for the Russian Mafia...hehe wasn't preparedfor that one, I must admit ;P

måndag 11 februari 2008

I've got my eye on you

Today started like most mondays do; I get up to late, run around the house like a mad woman and miraculously manage to catch my bus to school. Some days are not quite like all others...surprises have a tendency to appear every now and then. This was one of these days.
I'm sittig on a lecture in structural mechanics when I drop my pencil on the floor. Crap! As I'm reaching for it I somehow manage to dislocate my right knee. PAIN. After a couple of very painful seconds I manage to get it back into its socket. It's a really good thing not to be a person who screams when it hurts a little...would have been a bit embarrasing...but also fun to watch all (about a hundred of them) comfusing faces as I'm screaming at the top of my lungs in the middle of a lecture. Shit happens :P

lördag 9 februari 2008

here I am signed, cealed delivered I'm yours

My firt blog ever! Yay!
Oh my God I'm such a nerd :P But what's wrong about that?
I promise that I'll try to write as often as possibe even though my computer is broken...I'll get the damn thing back in about two weeks.
Good bye my friend, I'll see you in a couple of months. Have fun and don't break until you've got you insurance fixed ok :) Hopefully I'll master the techniqe of "making the pictures from the camera magically appear on my blog" ...not sure I want them to though, I know you'll laugh, but...never mind I love looking stupid anyways :P can't help it, can I ;P.

And for the love of God, don't make your bag explode on the airport!