tisdag 18 mars 2008

Where did all the snow come from?

This is what I see when I look out my window, but wait what's up whith all the white stuff on the ground! Yes my dear friends, winter has finally come...in March. And as you can see, the sun is shining. Something really disturbing is happening.
Yesterday I was out walking in a snow storm, I hate when snow hits me in the face like small cold nails!

I'm waiting for the pipe cleaners...managed to get a picture of their vehicle :P but where are they? I can't stand the waiting....and why won't the pictures go where I want them to?

3 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

haha, "Everything falls down" .
and then: "Where did all the snow come from?"

deltagreeneyes sa...

haha, i didn't even think about that one :P

the colour of insanity sa...

hahahahaahaha, you guys.. ye, you snatched all my snow there fro a while, I almost got scared I'd have to last without it. though now, it's catching up; tonight we had a major snow fall, so this morning I went up at eight to snow shuffle. we had about 80 cm of newly fallen snow! (imagine that, how hard it was to go home from town yesterday! I actually walked up the piste just to avoid the slippery and crowded streets)
I do my own plumbing; I've been a kickass chick when it comes to managing surviving everything, I can do pretty much anything you might ever need to do at home. so fuck you. I need no one but me! :D :D :D