tisdag 4 mars 2008

In one week I will have 19 days of free time, Yippie! It's a shame I've got two tests before then :(

So, this is a really crappy picture of me and my new hairdo...God I look tired. E, I hope you're happy:P
I think I might just be the only one my age who actually enjoy watching people ski for 4,5 hours (Vasaloppet). I can't explain it but somehow it's become an annual tradition for me to get up at 8 in the morning just to watch other people work their arses of. It could be the fact that they have to do just that while I can just sit in my warm cosy bed. Hehehe...
I had the weirdest dream last night; I had to hide in a tree from a jumping crocodile...this crocodile could jump meters straight up in the air trying to catch me. Wonder what a shrink would say about that....crrraaaaazy.

3 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

the hair looks good, the dream however, I hate to be the one to tell you this but, you clearly have some undelying issues with athletic authrority figures...

the colour of insanity sa...

omfg, your hairdo looks awesome man! love it. but get some sleep :P
at least you'll get some free time soon. I'll be back home about 9th of april, we're going out celebrating aren't we? oh and btw, I curse at my boss. he should love me (but he hates me).

deltagreeneyes sa...

Julia: thank you and yes, I do have issues with authority figures, especially the athletic ones...audrey what have you done to me! :P

The colour of insanity:You know, I'm trying to get some sleep but the universe just won't let me: today I had to get up at7:20 to let the pipe men in...are they here yet? No! Sorry about your boss, of course he should love you! We're going out selebrating for sure :) to bad you're not home yet, I'm free from scholl til the first of April:P