måndag 24 mars 2008

What am I to do

It's last day of easter and it's snowing more than ever...I don't like it because I can't practice my drivning at all.
Tomorrow I will see weather or not Västtrafik will work since SURPRISE it's actually snowing in Gothenburg :P
I've gotten a bit lazy the last week so I might just take a trip to the gym after havning lunch with Julia and Rebecka; long time no see btw.
We're having thai food for dinner tomorrow, tasty :D

lördag 22 mars 2008


This picture is so cute I just had to put it in my blog.
I am bored! Today has been a shitty day...I've done absolutely nothing useful. I coloured our eggs pink (very pretty) but I woudn't call it usefull.
Tomorrow I'll try to develop som driving skills (I'll kill somebody if it snows tonight), buy mascara and bowl with my family.

tisdag 18 mars 2008

Where did all the snow come from?

This is what I see when I look out my window, but wait what's up whith all the white stuff on the ground! Yes my dear friends, winter has finally come...in March. And as you can see, the sun is shining. Something really disturbing is happening.
Yesterday I was out walking in a snow storm, I hate when snow hits me in the face like small cold nails!

I'm waiting for the pipe cleaners...managed to get a picture of their vehicle :P but where are they? I can't stand the waiting....and why won't the pictures go where I want them to?

tisdag 4 mars 2008

In one week I will have 19 days of free time, Yippie! It's a shame I've got two tests before then :(

So, this is a really crappy picture of me and my new hairdo...God I look tired. E, I hope you're happy:P
I think I might just be the only one my age who actually enjoy watching people ski for 4,5 hours (Vasaloppet). I can't explain it but somehow it's become an annual tradition for me to get up at 8 in the morning just to watch other people work their arses of. It could be the fact that they have to do just that while I can just sit in my warm cosy bed. Hehehe...
I had the weirdest dream last night; I had to hide in a tree from a jumping crocodile...this crocodile could jump meters straight up in the air trying to catch me. Wonder what a shrink would say about that....crrraaaaazy.